YWAM - Homes For Hope
Homes of Hope gathers people to build homes for the world's poorest communities. We offer opportunities to display compassion through practical service, championing and empowering those who are often overlooked.
These trips extend hope to those in poverty by bringing in international teams to partner with them to build quality homes. There are opportunities for all kinds of teams to join for short-terms service trips: church groups, youth groups, schools, businesses and more. We are currently supporting both Raincatchers and Homes of hope..
Homes of Hope partners with a village or family to build a home together. For these builds, partners from around the world come together to help with organizing, financing, providing materials and tools, as well as the construction of the homes.

Rain Catchers
Is an organization that leads groups of volunteers into the mountains of southeast Haiti to build simple, sustainable rainwater collection systems called Raincatchers.
A Raincatcher is a gutter made from plastic pipe, some tin to divert the water, and a sediment filter. It will catch about a liter of water a minute. The concept is used all over the world, notably in similar environments where wells are not an option. Collecting it off their own roofs can produce more than enough water for families to drink, cook, bathe, and share.
This is a big deal when you’re used to carrying every drop you use. However, you have to actually see everyone scurry to fill every possible container with rainwater to fully appreciate its efficiency, and comprehend the need.
One family at a time, throughout the Seguin Plateau, we put water into Haitian homes.
The only other source available to them is usually hours away by foot, over rough terrain. Water must be carried back home on their heads, in buckets, with a plantain leaf for a lid.
Groups come from colleges, churches, and schools and are immediately immersed into the local culture and community. Unfortunately they also know to expect an occasional hike in sideways-rain and knee-deep mud. The experience is pure and authentic, but not always comfortable.
Groups meet many families and walk many miles, always surrounded by throngs of little children, so everyone has a story.